Crafting Engaging Lessons: A Guide to Effective Lesson Planning
The first step in effective lesson planning is understanding your audience - your students. Take time to learn about their interests, learning styles, and prior knowledge. This knowledge will help you tailor your lessons to better resonate with them and make learning more relatable.
Nurturing Student Well-Being for Success
In this post, I’ll explore the significant connection between mental health and education and discuss strategies that educators can implement to promote the mental well-being of their students.
Prior Knowledge: Connecting the Dots in Education
One of the key factors that contribute to effective learning is the ability to connect new information to prior knowledge. This cognitive process allows learners to make meaningful connections, bridge gaps, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Scaffolding is a technique in education that involves breaking down complex tasks and ideas into more manageable chunks for the students. It involves multiple approaches such as simplified or repeated instructions, visual aids, and demonstrations.
Making the Grade
Grades need much more attention than we currently give them. I often hear teachers say, “I don’t give grades, students earn them.” On a surface level that should be true.