
Scaffolding is a technique in education that involves breaking down complex tasks and ideas into more manageable chunks for the students. It involves multiple approaches such as simplified or repeated instructions, visual aids, and demonstrations.

The purpose behind scaffolding is to slowly build up students’ skills and understanding in a way that eventually allows them to stand on their own.

Scaffolding can be helpful in several ways. One, when a student is at risk of falling behind, breaking down tasks further can help a student feel a sense of accomplishment and build their self efficacy. 

Two, scaffolding aids students in developing a deeper understanding of the course content. By explicitly reviewing the building blocks of a skill or concept, students can create a stronger mental map of the new material.

Three, scaffolding involves analysis of the material and students get to see firsthand methods of breaking skills and concepts down in an organized fashion. This can help them with problem solving and critical thinking.

With scaffolding, all students can improve their understanding of a topic. By supporting students as they build up their knowledge, their ability to both learn more, and feel like they are learning more, will set them up for success.


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